Service Plan

Service Plan

MEDICO's Programs in 2024 on the way of fulfilling your dream to be a Doctor

Target & Implementation Best be Arrangement for you
Every step of academic activities of MEDICO ensures adequate care along with utmost precaution under the direct supervision of Dr. Jobaidur Rahman Jony accompanied by other senior teachers. We prepare plans, take classes and execute everything by ourselves. This intimacy is very effective for the success of our students.

Text Book The best weapon for you
All Questions of the previous Medical College Admission tests were found to be made from textbooks of intermediate level. So, textbooks are at the center point of MEDICO’s program. We think if a student takes textbook based preparation, he/she will surely succeed. At MEDICO
mainly the text books are marked and underlined which are clarified in the class and all questions are given from textbooks wich result in many questions to be common in the Medical Addimision Test. Our slogan is “If you want to get chance, grab your text books”.

Experienced & senior Teachers` Panel For Your Nourishment
Experienced teachers can give the best guideline in taking preparation for the much more competitive exam like Medical Admision Test. Every class of respective subject is taken directly under the guidance of senior teacher. Important classes of 2024 course will be taken by-
Biology :Dr. Jobaidur Rahman Jony Chemistry : Dr. Ibrahim Khalil Rony Physics : Engr. Faisal Haider along with a good number of experienced teachers. Whereas in other institutions, experienced teacher is beyond imagination. MEDICO is ready to fulfill the dream to be doctor with the best teachers` panel for you.

Lecture Class Best Aid for you
How much a topic of each subject is to be read and in which way it can be memorised easily-all these things are taken into account while taking classes in MEDICO. Here the important lines are marked and important topics are discussed elaborately via multimedia projectors. We say “Half of your study items are completed in the lecture classes of MEDICO

General Knowledge & English Preparation from the very Beginning
A whole of 25 marks is assorted for these two subjects MEDICO prepares students so that he/she can obtain score up to 22/23 marks here. These subjects are made to study in every class & exam right from the very beginning and so MEDICO students are always ahead than any other students in these two subjects.

Extraordinary Exam Procedures
1. Daily Exam : Everyday a 100 mark daily exam will be taken having 80 MCQ type questions and 20 questions of SAQ type. The exam will be taken from the previous lecture.
2. Review Exam : A 100 mark review exam will be taken after some lectures have been taken.
3. Monthly Exam : After taking The class lectures in the whole month from which a 100-mark exam will be taken at the end of that month.
4. Trial Exam : A trial exam will be taken with the participation students of all branches of MEDICO across the country after some specific lectures and overall a merit list is published among the students.

5. Special Exam : A special exam of 50 marks will be taken on the previous classes every day.

Quality Question Finding your intellect
Right from the start to the very end of medical preparation, CEO Dr. Jobaidur Rahman Jony carries the role of the moderator for standard question as such, students become habituated with standard question and find it easier and common in the exam hall.

Each Answer Script Checking properly via OMR
In MEDICO all the answer scripts arechecked via OMR Machine and as such whether a student is filling the circles properly or not, is coping with time or not, all are observed properly. Merit lists are enlisted based on marks obtained and the result is texted to the numbers of students and guardians.

For Best Use of Time Study Routines for Review Exam
In order to complete the syllabuses of review exam properly, study routines are given which are made by the CEO Dr. Jobaidur Rahman Jony. All motivational and encouraging speeches of the CEO act as guideline for the students.

Guardian Seminar For Transparency & Accountability
How much students are approaching and how one should approach for betterment, guardian seminar is arranged each month where a guardian can come and give his/her valuable opinions & advice we try to work more ahead taking them into account.

Educational Publications of MEDICO will keep you ahead

1. Companion Books: Additional information will be noted from books by multiple authors on Biology, Chemistry, Physics. So that it is convenient to read all the authors' information on each subject in a short time.
2. Let's Practice: After reading each chapter, sample questions will be given for practice. You can check your progress at home after reading. Also practice questions will be given by all NCTB approved writers.
3. General Knowledge Book : A General Knowledge Book will be given from MEDICO, from which most of the question will be common ( 8 Questions were common among 10 questions in 2023)
4. English Book : An English Book is provided to the  students which is enough for his preparation (13 questions were directly found out of 15 questions in medical exam 2023)

5. Question Bank : A question bank will be given with the combination of medical and dental admission exam questions of the past 20 years.

Prize & Gift For the Meritorious
In order to encourage the regular & meritorious students, Prizes will be given for their doing best results in each of the Review Exam, Monthly Exam & Trial Exam.

Academic Support For other Exams
The following programs are completely for the regular students of MEDICO:-
– Model Test for Medical College admission test.
– Model Test for Dental College admission test.
– Model Test for AFMC admission test.
– Model Test for AMC admission test.

Scholarship & Attractive Gift For Final Success
For their bright future, scholarships and attractive gifts are provided by MEDICO to the toppers in Medical College Admission Test.
1st in National Merit : Scholarship 2,00,000/-(Two lakhs), all subject books of 1st & 2nd year, crest, apron & special gift.
2nd in National Merit : Scholarship 1,00,000/-(One lakh), all subject books of 1st & 2nd year, crest, apron & special gift.
3rd in National Merit : Scholarship 50,000/-(Fifty thousand), all subject books of 1st & 2nd year, crest, apron & special gift.
4th -10th in National Merit : Scholarship 30,000/- (Thirty thousand), all subject books of 1st & 2nd year, crest, apron & special gift.

11th-20th in National Merit : Scholarship 10,000/- (Ten thousand), all subject books of 1st & 2nd year, crest, apron & special gift.

*Those who get chance at DMC will get all books of 1st -2nd year all subjects supporting books, crest, apron, special gifts.
*Those who get chance at SSMC will get 1st-2nd Year two subjects supporting books, crest, apron, special gifts.
*Those who get chance at ShSMC will get 1st-2nd Year two subjects supporting books, crest, apron, special gifts.
*Those who get chance at other Government Medical and Dental Colleges will get 1st-2nd Year one subject supporting books, crest, apron, special gifts.
*Those who get chance at Armed Forces and Army Medical College will get 1st-2nd Year one subject supporting books, crest, apron, special gifts.
*Those who get chance at Government Medical, Dental, Armed Forces and Army Medical College Colleges will get invitation to attend the ‘Grand Celebration Program’